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Thanks so much for all your help with this programme and getting it up and running so quickly. I feel you really took the time to understand the business and ran with some key themes to deliver some tangible learnings to the team and the feedback has been great.
Stefan facilitated an independent review of the “culture” of our organisation with an opportunity for staff to feedback, what in their view, constituted an “ideal” work environment. Stefan then worked alongside staff to scope up a set of values that would underpin the way that we conducted our business at Parentline; how we treat our clients and how the organisation treats our staff. The values were endorsed by the Board and are now enshrined in our Strategic Plan.
Your help has been incredibly valuable Stefan. With your guidance and training we are able to translate our values and culture into everyday practice. It enables us to have honest and constructive discussions with staff as necessary.
I wanted to say thank you Stefan for the two Leadership Workshops you ran in Auckland. I personally found it one of the most useful courses I have done professionally in a long time. The facilitation was great, and I think your approach and peaceful nature really helped me to absorb what you were presenting. I've been more inspired than usual to apply the practices and it is still coming up in conversation both in and out of work. I am truly very grateful.