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About Us

Who We Are

Founded in 2011 by Stefan Doll, the Diversity Institute was born out of a passion for creating highly effective teams in an increasingly diverse work environment. Years of experience formed a deep understanding of the key ingredients to a high performing team. We’ve learnt, researched and successfully applied strategies to uncover what is holding back teams and apply a holistic approach to bring out the best in people.

Our Approach

Highly effective teams thrive in an inclusive environment that often requires behaviour and culture change. We work closely with you to develop and integrate more effective behaviours, making change sustainable and impactful. Team dynamics can change quickly without a strongly connected team with clear direction. Leadership helps teams to stay effective and adapt to new challenges. The Diversity Institute is your extended resource that brings in outside perspectives, solutions, and a wealth of experience. We are your reliable partner until the desired outcomes are achieved. You may look for a targeted workshop to boost capabilities in a certain area. More often services provide include leadership coaching, strategy and programme development, dealing with HR challenges, or culture change from start to the end.
Measuring success is important for implementing initiatives. We believe in the power of metrics to guide your journey and track progress.

Stefan Doll

Principal Consultant & Trainer
CMHRINZ, MBA, Registered Psychologist in Germany
With over 25 years of experience in HR management and consulting across Europe and New Zealand, Stefan is passionate about building effective teams and thriving organisational cultures.

His expertise in industrial psychology and leadership development has helped countless businesses navigate the complexities of people at work. Stefan navigates challenging team situations and creates a safe space for others to grow. His innovative tools, like the Resolving Differences Model©, have empowered teams to turn challenges into opportunities.

Feedback from clients is testament of Stefan’s ability to connect with others.
“Stefan’s calm nature really set the tone for the hui and allowed for a safe and honest environment.”
“I've definitely noticed a shift in my confidence to speak up and making deeper connections with people.”

“I think the workshop made me a better leader. I have some practical tools now to help others.”

Outside of work, Stefan enjoys the outdoors and his creativity shines in his rock band, where he finds parallels between a great performance and a high-performing team.

Building Effective Teams

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