Why we are here

The Diversity Institute was founded in 2011 by Stefan Doll and Dr. Dr. Adrienna Ember on a mission to develop productive  teams and inclusive organisations against a backdrop of our increasingly diverse organisations and communities.

Responding to global trends

Inclusive workplaces are part of a natural evolution of organisations. Workplaces are forced to respond to a global economy and a global workforce as well as to changes in our peoples’ expectations on workplaces. Inclusive societies and workplaces outperform others. We always had diverse people in our workplaces but with global migration we are getting more cultural diverse. The Diversity Institute is supporting you in developing new skills and practices to respond to those trends and stay competitive.

What you get

The Diversity Institute makes diverse teams thrive. Our services help people to feel that they belong and that they are appreciated for who they are:

We help organisations to put the right strategies and actions in place to make leaps on their journey to a more inclusive work environment. Our clients prepare for the future so they can adapt to the needs of their increasingly diverse clients.

How we work with you

Working with teams on inclusion often means working with behaviour and culture change. We find with you the best ways to make change stick and settle in. We help integrating diversity and inclusion into your teams and business. This may include an assessment of relevant systems, processes and policies.  Based on good data we can develop solutions for you on where to start to achieve your goals. Typical focus areas are recruitment, development, promotion, flexible working, parental leave, performance review and the way people have meetings.
Over time, new habits become the new norm. Instead of adding to your workload we are focusing on maximizing integration. Class room workshops are often part of the solution and may be complemented by online learning which allows organisations to reach more people. Your shop floor and front line staff is far too important to be left out. Our programmes are holistic and support the head, heart and hands for successful behavioural change.

We are your reliable partner all along the way or just to help with a specific aspect of your programme. Your problems are our problems. With our experience and expertise we help to solve them.

What’s measured is managed

Measures are important to steer the ship through a culture change towards more inclusiveness. We can talk you through the options on how to determine ROI for diversity and inclusion initiatives. The vital 2-3 measures are then best incorporated in the business strategy and performance objectives to track progress.