Our relationships with colleagues determine to a great extend how we feel about our jobs and ourselves. Good relationships are the foundation for happiness and success on a personal and team level. Exceptional team performance is the result. It can be challenging to navigate an increasing cultural diversity on top of personality differences. Help your team members by learning to lead the way in successfully communicating and collaborating with diverse team members.

This interactive workshop allows for experiential learning with practical tips on how diverse teams achieve high performance.

Key content

  • Understand individual work preferences and strengths
  • Recognise the impact of bias and unconscious bias in teams
  • Effective communication with diverse personalities from diverse backgrounds
  • Develop cultural intelligence
  • Normalise differences in the team – how to be comfortable with discomfort
  • Set the foundations for a feedback and recognition culture
  • Additional option: personality and team profiling with PeopleMaps

Key outcomes

  • Augmented team performance, resilience and well-being
  • Strong bonds and appreciation between team members
  • Accelerated learning and development
  • Positive, supportive and innovative work environment

Who should attend

Teams (in-house workshop) or team leaders (public workshop)