In your time, at your place,
and when you need it.

Learn how to effectively communicate and collaborate with people at work. Our workplaces are getting more diverse. At work we are expected to work well as a team to achieve more with less. Our e-learnings and online leaning programmes are designed to meet those new demands as a leader or team member.

Personal Development

Team &

Open yourself new doors and opportunities. Be confident in your interactions with diverse people at work. You learn from carefully developed and tested techniques how to master difficult conversations.

  • All e-learnings include practical examples, worksheets and guides for you to download.
  • You can choose to connect with learners online share, your experiences and ask for ideas from others. 
  • You have ongoing access to new and relevant resources and occasional free online meet-ups or webinars.
  • You can also benefit from live, facilitator led online workshops or online coaching to make sure that you are supported all the way through in applying your new skills.

For most teams it is impossible to get together in one training room. Shift work or being scattered across the country are logistical challenges. With online learning, everyone can access new skills and  be included.

  • Everyone is getting the same learning foundation.
  • Completion reports allow to follow up and get feedback.
  • Use the open online discussion forum or the privacy of a closed group chat to bring out real examples and apply your  learning.
  • Surveys can add a deeper understanding of the best next actions for the team.
  • A face to face workshop for leaders and  key influencers can further accelerate the change in your organisation.

Resolve differences, prevent conflict and create a happier space for you and others

Facilitate real change through feedback, motivate for action and build stronger relationships