Giving Feedback without Criticism

How to give constructive feedback while maintaining a good relationship?

Giving feedback without criticism is a new and more effective way of giving feedback.

Based on evolution, our brain reacts in a certain way to negative feedback.

  • Our brain perceives feedback as a threat to our self-worth and self-esteem.
  • Our brain is more likely to be critical than complimentary.
  • Our brain is more likely to remember negative feedback than positive feedback.

Constructive feedback can be given with the best intentions and the receiver may still react with negative side effects

  • Feedback can be discouraging & demotivating
  • Feedback can damage relationships
  • Feedback can lead to a feeling of resentment or being treated unfairly

Feedback has its place in our lives. It is necessary and useful for our learning and development, improvements and progress in general. Let’s face it, some love it, some hate it, but we all need feedback. Most people have mixed feelings about feedback based on their good and bad experiences. Everyone loves positive feedback but how hard is it to give and listen to criticism?

Can feedback be a blessing and a curse at the same time?  Why do many people struggle to give and ask for feedback? Why do we often avoid giving corrective feedback?

When we learn how to give feedback without criticism we bypass the flight or fight response of our brain. Instead we enter into a meaningful dialog. which is more likely to lead to positive change.

Key learning outcomes

  • Learn the 4 principles of feedback without criticism.
  • Apply the power of empathetic questioning.
  • Learn how to give your feedback an easy to follow structure that keeps both of you on track.
  • Give constructive feedback with confidence.